I took this from a friend's blog, and since she is a "friend in real-life" friend, I can't link back to her. But thanks.
One of Your Favorite Places
A place you would like to visit
Your college major (I think this is an odd photo for Psychology)
Favorite holiday
A bad habit
Age at next birthday
Favorite food
Middle name (and no, it's not Hosanna in spite of what the picture says)
Favorite color
Where you live 
I thought this was kind of fun and a great way to procrastinate the four huge projects I need to start for work.
Type your answer to each of the items listed below into a Google image search and post a photo from the first results page.
Favorite Animal
Type your answer to each of the items listed below into a Google image search and post a photo from the first results page.
Favorite Animal

Labels: random

Neat! I might have to do this too.
Chastity, at January 28, 2008 at 3:22 PM
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