Friday, January 12, 2007

more on Anonymous blogging

Number of times I've now realized I've left my real name in someone's comments, with a link to this blog: 3

Number of other blogs I commented on as part of de-lurking week (I was a huge lurker until I started this blog; I'm going to start to comment more now on others!): about 30

Number of blogs I think I probably left my real name on that I still need to check: about 27

Oh well. I'm assuming that the odds of someone finding me on this blog within the first week is pretty slim, seeing as I've never run across someone I know on all the blogs I've looked at.

So I'm going to just keep on thinking I'm totally anonymous!



  • I worry about the same stuff. I don't want people in "real life" to find me...yet, I still use my real name and post pictures of myself..probably not too smart. So far, no one I really know has found me except one guy I went to college with that I barely knew anyway. Good luck...I'll check back for new posts :).

    By Blogger Chastity, at January 13, 2007 at 8:04 AM  

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