Why moms should not drink
It's not so much fun to stay out late and drink wine when you have to get up at 545 am because you have a wide awake child!
We went out last night with some friends for a char.ity event. It was fun, and I took lots of mental notes for myself for work. The event was at a great venue - a restaurant with an upstairs party space - and they had a huge silent auction and live auction. That's something I've been thinking about doing for my non.prof.it, and so I was able to think about some ideas and how we might do it. One thing I noticed is that you really have to have a good balance between the number and type of auction items and the number of people attending. The event last night had way too many items given the number of attendees, and so many of the items only had one or two bidders and there was not much competition to drive the price up because there were many similar items people were spreading out the bids across. But then I think about an event that I went to a few months ago and they had too few items for the number of people, and they were very specialized items, so only a handful of people ending up bidding on them. They did have a child photo package at that event and some women beat me on it because she grabbed the sheet and put her name down AFTER they had already collected the sheets! Turns out she knew the person going through all the silent auction sheets - I'm still bitter. :)
Anyway, I'm thinking about work because I have so much to do. And instead of doing it, I'm sitting her nursing my hangover. It's mid-afternoon, J is asleep, and even though this is my main work time today, I still have too much of a headache and am too tired to do anything that requires energy. I did work a few hours this morning because I had a community meeting to attend, so at least I got something done today.
Anyway, back to last night. The event was good but they had very little food available, even though the event ran from 5:30 to 9ish. I was very surprised that there was not something more dinner-like offered, but all that they had were some very light snack type food. We ended up going to the restaurant and eating there, which was great. I had a wonderful steak, mac and cheese, and apples and ice cream for dessert. Yum.
We came home and me being slightly tipsy, I chatted way too much with the sitter, who I'm sure was ready to go. I can't quite remember what I was telling her about; I hope it wasn't anything inappropriate!
We're taking it easy this weekend - Husband is taking J to a bas.ebal.l event tomorrow so I have the day to myself! It will be a nice change after having Husband at work most of the last few Saturdays and me at home with J all day. I do have a short meeting for work tomorrow to visit a new site, but it should be quick and then I have the rest of the day. I may go sit in Barn.es and No.ble and browse books for a while - that was one of my favorite pre-baby activities and of course it's impossible to do that with a toddler!
We went out last night with some friends for a char.ity event. It was fun, and I took lots of mental notes for myself for work. The event was at a great venue - a restaurant with an upstairs party space - and they had a huge silent auction and live auction. That's something I've been thinking about doing for my non.prof.it, and so I was able to think about some ideas and how we might do it. One thing I noticed is that you really have to have a good balance between the number and type of auction items and the number of people attending. The event last night had way too many items given the number of attendees, and so many of the items only had one or two bidders and there was not much competition to drive the price up because there were many similar items people were spreading out the bids across. But then I think about an event that I went to a few months ago and they had too few items for the number of people, and they were very specialized items, so only a handful of people ending up bidding on them. They did have a child photo package at that event and some women beat me on it because she grabbed the sheet and put her name down AFTER they had already collected the sheets! Turns out she knew the person going through all the silent auction sheets - I'm still bitter. :)
Anyway, I'm thinking about work because I have so much to do. And instead of doing it, I'm sitting her nursing my hangover. It's mid-afternoon, J is asleep, and even though this is my main work time today, I still have too much of a headache and am too tired to do anything that requires energy. I did work a few hours this morning because I had a community meeting to attend, so at least I got something done today.
Anyway, back to last night. The event was good but they had very little food available, even though the event ran from 5:30 to 9ish. I was very surprised that there was not something more dinner-like offered, but all that they had were some very light snack type food. We ended up going to the restaurant and eating there, which was great. I had a wonderful steak, mac and cheese, and apples and ice cream for dessert. Yum.
We came home and me being slightly tipsy, I chatted way too much with the sitter, who I'm sure was ready to go. I can't quite remember what I was telling her about; I hope it wasn't anything inappropriate!
We're taking it easy this weekend - Husband is taking J to a bas.ebal.l event tomorrow so I have the day to myself! It will be a nice change after having Husband at work most of the last few Saturdays and me at home with J all day. I do have a short meeting for work tomorrow to visit a new site, but it should be quick and then I have the rest of the day. I may go sit in Barn.es and No.ble and browse books for a while - that was one of my favorite pre-baby activities and of course it's impossible to do that with a toddler!

Haha, you got drunk and had a conversation with your baby sitter, lol.
Chastity, at January 18, 2008 at 7:04 PM
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