Cows say moo and chickens say bawk
J and I just got back from a few days out of town visiting a friend of mine. She has a 5 month old (who weighs more than J!) and we had a great time together. One of the highlights of the trip was a trip out to a dairy farm to see cows being milked! J loved it and just kept saying "moo" over and over. He got close enough to touch the cows, but mean mom that I am, I wouldn't let him. He also loved the chickens and ran right up to them, then laughed with joy with they all scattered and he could chase them again! All we heard the entire afternoon was "moo" and "bawwwk", which is his chicken noise. There were also three tractors on the farm, which I let him climb on some - the farm was a working farm, however, and there were animal droppings everywhere and so I didn't want to let him explore too much on his own! Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures because it was so much work trying to chase after him and keep him from climbing through the fence to the cows!
It's actually darker than this in real-life. The best part was that it was only $25!
My friend and I also got to go out for coffee one night, just the two of us, as her husband stayed home with the sleeping babies. While we were out, we saw this college student with a great bag, which we both were admiring. The girls at another table next too us were also admiring it, and asked her where it was from - when she said Target, we jumped in the conversation to ask if it was a recent purchase, which it was. The next morning, we got up early and ran out with the babies to Target, where they had two of the bags left! We each got one! I've been using it today and love it - it's big enough to fit J's stuff (diapers, wipes, water cup, change of clothes) and my stuff. And I love that it's not a diaper bag - I was starting to feel too "mom" and really needed a great fall bag that could double as a diaper bag/purse, and this was perfect! Here it is:

It's actually darker than this in real-life. The best part was that it was only $25!
It's good to be back home though - he didn't sleep much on the trip because we were so busy doing fun stuff, and so I'm hoping that he'll take a good nap today and I can get my grant done for work. Good news with work (my real job) - I just found out we received a grant I applied for a few months ago!

Oh my gosh..I think I have that identical purse in pink..wierd.
Chastity, at August 30, 2007 at 8:23 PM
Great Purse! I'll have to go look today at lunch. I LOVE Target...great reason for me to go (for the 8th time this week.)
Moo and Bawk...that's Landon's favorite right now. Too cute.
Unknown, at August 31, 2007 at 8:13 AM
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