Back from the beach
Husband and I just got back from 6 days at Ty.bee Beach in Georgia. We loved it - it was our second time there, so we knew all the places we wanted to go and really enjoyed ourselves. Ate some delicious food and got a nice suntan too! It was a wonderful trip, and so nice to have some time with just the two of us. We got really homesick for J though and are happy to be back home! J had a great time with my parents - they went to the pool, the Children's museum, the art museum, the library, out to McDonalds, and all kinds of other fun stuff.
I'm trying to unpack, do laundry, and keep up with three conference calls today (J's PDO program is also on a two week hiatus!), so I will blog more later, and post pictures! I got some great shots of the dolphins from a boat trip we went on. I'm also trying to catch up on my blog reading (thankfully conference calls give a good opportunity for that!) :)
I'm trying to unpack, do laundry, and keep up with three conference calls today (J's PDO program is also on a two week hiatus!), so I will blog more later, and post pictures! I got some great shots of the dolphins from a boat trip we went on. I'm also trying to catch up on my blog reading (thankfully conference calls give a good opportunity for that!) :)

Is Tybee Beach near/on Tybee Island? I remember something about that place when we visited my brother at Parris Island when he did his Marine boot camp.
Chastity, at August 21, 2007 at 11:06 PM
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