Too tired to come up with something original
I figured that with new bloggers stopping by for the party, it'd be a good time to do my first meme! I saw this one on Slacker-Moms-R-Us, a blog I found through the party, and she stole it from Burg, who stole it from someone else.
So here goes . . .
How tall are you barefoot? 5 ft. 6 in., but I claim to be 5 ft. 7 in. It just seems so much taller.
Have you ever flown first-class? No, and I've always wanted to. I had hoped on our honeymoon that we would fly first-class, but we ended up taking a smaller plane on American Airlines that didn't have business or first-class.
One of your favorite books when you were a child? it's only on my mind because of the movie, but I loved Bridge to Terabithia
A good restaurant in your city? Tony's
What is your favorite small appliance? My Chi hair straightener. I couldn't live without this - my wavy hair is so thick that the only thing that tames it is the Chi. I love it.
One person who never fails to make you laugh? my friend Teresa
What was the first music that you ever bought? I think it was a Tricia Yearwood tape. I wasn't allowed to listen to anything other than contemporary christian or country music growing up, so it had to be either this or an Amy Grant tape!
Do you do push-ups? sometimes, if the instructor at stroller aerobics makes up. And then only with my knees down.
What was one of your favorite games as a child? Capture the Flag
When you were twelve years old, what did you want to be when you grew up? probably a ballerina or gymnast. I used to dream about being Mary Lou Retton's sister.
Your favorite Soup of the Day? Bread Co.'s lentil soup; they only have it during the winter!
Have you ever met someone famous? I met Amy Grant when I was in 4th grade
From what news source do you receive the bulk of your news? Online CNN and MSNBC
Current worry? how in the world am I going to find the time to do all my work, laundry, grocery shop, etc.?
Current hate? I don't really hate anything, but I am irritated right now with the city that's claiming I owe $600 in parking tickets from 4 years ago
Favorite place to be? home with my son and husband
Least favorite place to be? the ob/gyn's office for my annual exam. Can't stand it.
Do you consider yourself well organized? I used to be - having a child and working from home has changed that
Do you believe in an afterlife? Yes
Where do you think you will be in 10 years? Still here. But with my husband and probably more kids by then, and also probably back into a full-time career.
Do you burn or tan? burn, then it peels into a tan
Are you more optimistic or pessimistic about the future? In day-to-day stuff, I'm probably more pessimistic, but in long-term thoughts I think everything will work out.
What did you fear was going to get you at night as a kid? I always was afraid my house would burn down. This probably stems from my parents "great" idea that they should do fire drills at 2 am in the morning and not tell us it was fake until we were outside at the mailbox.
What's in your pockets right now? absolutely nothing
Last thing that made you laugh? a story some friends told us this weekend about how the person that bought their house keeps calling them, months later, through their realtor, about all the things she hates about the house
Worst injury you've ever had? I've always been slightly accident prone - so it's either the time I had to get 25 stitches above my eye or the first broken arm I had when the bone popped through the skin
How many TVs do you own? 2
Best compliment received? in high school, I overheard some guys from church talking - one of them was a guy my age who I had a crush on, and the other were older, college guys. The older guys were giving the younger guys advice on how to find a good girlfriend, and they said you should always go for someone who you can tell will be hot when they're older. Then they used me as an example of someone who they thought was cute now, but would also still be really hot in college. I don't know if I fulfilled this by being "hot", but I always thought it was nice to hear them say this
What leaves you speechless? Stories about children being hurt
What is your favorite book? way too many to just give one, but "What our mothers didn't tell us: Why happiness eludes the modern woman" changed my direction in life, so this might be it
Last meal you cooked for the opposite sex? Coriander pork chops, vegetables, and white cheddar macaroni
What were you doing at 12 midnight last night? trying not to throw up - I ate something yesterday that did not sit well with me and I was up all night sick!
So here goes . . .
How tall are you barefoot? 5 ft. 6 in., but I claim to be 5 ft. 7 in. It just seems so much taller.
Have you ever flown first-class? No, and I've always wanted to. I had hoped on our honeymoon that we would fly first-class, but we ended up taking a smaller plane on American Airlines that didn't have business or first-class.
One of your favorite books when you were a child? it's only on my mind because of the movie, but I loved Bridge to Terabithia
A good restaurant in your city? Tony's
What is your favorite small appliance? My Chi hair straightener. I couldn't live without this - my wavy hair is so thick that the only thing that tames it is the Chi. I love it.
One person who never fails to make you laugh? my friend Teresa
What was the first music that you ever bought? I think it was a Tricia Yearwood tape. I wasn't allowed to listen to anything other than contemporary christian or country music growing up, so it had to be either this or an Amy Grant tape!
Do you do push-ups? sometimes, if the instructor at stroller aerobics makes up. And then only with my knees down.
What was one of your favorite games as a child? Capture the Flag
When you were twelve years old, what did you want to be when you grew up? probably a ballerina or gymnast. I used to dream about being Mary Lou Retton's sister.
Your favorite Soup of the Day? Bread Co.'s lentil soup; they only have it during the winter!
Have you ever met someone famous? I met Amy Grant when I was in 4th grade
From what news source do you receive the bulk of your news? Online CNN and MSNBC
Current worry? how in the world am I going to find the time to do all my work, laundry, grocery shop, etc.?
Current hate? I don't really hate anything, but I am irritated right now with the city that's claiming I owe $600 in parking tickets from 4 years ago
Favorite place to be? home with my son and husband
Least favorite place to be? the ob/gyn's office for my annual exam. Can't stand it.
Do you consider yourself well organized? I used to be - having a child and working from home has changed that
Do you believe in an afterlife? Yes
Where do you think you will be in 10 years? Still here. But with my husband and probably more kids by then, and also probably back into a full-time career.
Do you burn or tan? burn, then it peels into a tan
Are you more optimistic or pessimistic about the future? In day-to-day stuff, I'm probably more pessimistic, but in long-term thoughts I think everything will work out.
What did you fear was going to get you at night as a kid? I always was afraid my house would burn down. This probably stems from my parents "great" idea that they should do fire drills at 2 am in the morning and not tell us it was fake until we were outside at the mailbox.
What's in your pockets right now? absolutely nothing
Last thing that made you laugh? a story some friends told us this weekend about how the person that bought their house keeps calling them, months later, through their realtor, about all the things she hates about the house
Worst injury you've ever had? I've always been slightly accident prone - so it's either the time I had to get 25 stitches above my eye or the first broken arm I had when the bone popped through the skin
How many TVs do you own? 2
Best compliment received? in high school, I overheard some guys from church talking - one of them was a guy my age who I had a crush on, and the other were older, college guys. The older guys were giving the younger guys advice on how to find a good girlfriend, and they said you should always go for someone who you can tell will be hot when they're older. Then they used me as an example of someone who they thought was cute now, but would also still be really hot in college. I don't know if I fulfilled this by being "hot", but I always thought it was nice to hear them say this
What leaves you speechless? Stories about children being hurt
What is your favorite book? way too many to just give one, but "What our mothers didn't tell us: Why happiness eludes the modern woman" changed my direction in life, so this might be it
Last meal you cooked for the opposite sex? Coriander pork chops, vegetables, and white cheddar macaroni
What were you doing at 12 midnight last night? trying not to throw up - I ate something yesterday that did not sit well with me and I was up all night sick!
Labels: meme

I teach sixth grade and we recently finished reading "Bridge to Terabithia". We followed that up with a field trip to see the movie, and I must say that it is beautiful. You must see it!
Chastity, at March 5, 2007 at 2:55 PM
So many things in your post made me laugh out loud! I too claim to be 5'7 and I'm 5'6.
I've been to Tony's and yes, it's YUM.
I have no idea what a Chi hair straightener is but I must have it.
LOL about the fire drills and the person calling your friend about the house. Ah, too funny.
Terri | Sugar Free Glow, at March 8, 2007 at 12:33 PM
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