Monday, February 5, 2007

Menu Plan Monday

Thanks to Organizing Junkie for hosting Menu Plan Monday! Here's our plans for the week:
Monday: Spinach Pie, sliced tomatoes, and fruit salad (we already ate dinner tonight, and I can report that this combination of food was great together and my husband did not miss the meat! The Spinach Pie was a frozen, ready to bake, version that I picked up at Trader Joe's - it made for a quick dinner).
Tuesday: Beef Stroganoff, salad (if I make it to the store for lettuce)
Wednesday: Pork Chops with mushroom gravy (I'm making this recipe up, so I'll post on what I did and how it turns out), asparagus steamed with lemon
Thursday: "fend for yourself" night/clean-out-the-fridge (I'm expecting leftovers from the stroganoff and pork chops)
Friday: Chinese take-out
Saturday: dinner out at a charity event
Sunday: Hamburgers, potato wedges, sliced tomatoes, fruit


  • Hey Midwest Texan--I'm originally from Missouri-my sister lives near St Louis. Your menu looks delish! I have never seen a frozen spinach pie--we don't have Trader Joe's where I live--sounds wonderful. You asked about my fried squash--I found some pre-breaded and ready to cook at Walm*rt! Have a great week!

    By Blogger Robin Green, at February 6, 2007 at 12:34 PM  

  • You have a terrific menu plan. I've never tried Spinach Pie. Sounds interesting.

    By Blogger Unknown, at February 6, 2007 at 1:35 PM  

  • Yum, reading that makes me hungry! Do you recommend the spinach pie from TJ's? I love that place! And, I should definitely start planning my meals.

    By Blogger Morgan, at February 6, 2007 at 9:20 PM  

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